Get to know more than a basic Arduino Starter Kit through this UNO R3 RFID Arduino Compatible Starter Kit.
There are many electronics starter kit out there that lets you experience your first electronics introductory course. This kit may include sensors, relays, motors, LEDs, resistors, push buttons, and other discrete electronic components. Here you’ll find a special starter kit for the Arduino UNO that lets you experience more. Meet the UNO R3 RFID Arduino Compatible Starter Kit.
Packed with most of the discrete electronic components needed to start your electronics journey, this kit concentrates on the compatible Arduino UNO R3 and its accessories including RFID peripherals. You may find this kit already complete yet cheaper than a MEGA starter pack.
Who's This Kit For?
This kit is for the avid electronics enthusiast who wants to start learning Arduino or even for the novice who simply wants to stack up on his electronic parts.
Kit Contents
An Arduino UNO R3
An Arduino UNO compatible board revision R3.
A Handy Full-Sized Breadboard
Full-sized breadboard for spaceous learning.
Useful Breakout Boards
Breakout boards such as an Analog Joystick, Relay, Motor Driver, RTC, Button Matrix, Temp and Humidity Sensor, Water Level Sensor, Sound Detecting, and RGB LED modules
An LCD, Display Modules and LEDs
Includes a16x2 LCD display, Seven Segment, Dot Matrix displays and several 5mm LEDs.
Includes an SG90 servo and Stepper motor.
Audible Buzzers
Active and Passive Buzzers.
Tact Switches
Large-sized Tact Switches with Caps.
Light, Flame, Temp, and an IR Sensor. an IR Remote Unit. ROLL-BALL SWITCHES.
Sensors for light, temperature, IR, and roll-ball switches. This includes an IR Remote Control unit.
This RFID kit includes a Reader, a FOB and Card key.
Resistors and a Potentiometer
Common resistor values and a variable resistor.
A Shift Register IC
This 74HC595N Shift Register IC will help you learn a lot about how digital electronics work.
Connectors and Jumpers
For your breadboard and Arduino UNO connections.
The UNO R3 RFID Arduino Compatible Starter Kit will definitely help you (or your schools) get up and learning basic electronics and coding. You’ll also learn RFID concepts in no time.